Does the LED light come with a drive?
Since LED is a characteristic semiconductor device and has negative temperature characteristics, it needs to be stabilized and protected during application, resulting in the concept of drive. Driver is the core component of LED soft light band, and plays an important role in the work of LED.LED soft light belt drive can be generally divided into AC drives and DC drives two kinds.
LED soft light with.LED soft light belt to drive power requirements almost harsh, LED unlike ordinary incandescent bulb, can directly connect 220V AC city electricity. The LED is a 2~3 volt low voltage drive. It is necessary to design complex conversion circuits for different uses of LED lights, equipped with different power adapters.
LED soft light belt AC driver, according to different applications, are divided into buck, step-up, converter type of three circuit types. The difference between AC drives and DC drives is that there is an isolated and isolated problem from the security point of view, in addition to the need for rectifying and filtering the AC input.LED soft light belt DC driver can be divided into three kinds according to their different functions and uses.