our bathroom sink smells of sunk so will this solution work?1. pour backing soda down the drain2.pour vinegar down to and let it bubble up3. let sit and then take hot bowling water a pour it down the drain?Now its says for kitchen sink but im wondering if it work for bathroom sink to?
it could be lol...but you can do it and after tell me please it can be helpful or not?thanks....
It works like a dream. I do it as regular maintenance. Plus, it's just so much doggone fun!
I never hear about that. And to be honest don't make any sense because what ever thing you pour in the sink eventually will wash and you will have the same problem. I did maintenance in a hotels for many years. and in some hotels we did PM 2 or 3 times a year in the entire hotels rooms. One of the things we have to do was disassembling part of the plumbing under the sinks and clean the pipes and i noticed that the tip that make the flapper up and down was catching all the hair and and stuff that people drain through the sink for months and in your case that may be the problem. because i think 90% of the time in the houses nobody clean those pipes. Is very very nasty see that hair. But if you call the plumber it will cost and arm or a leg to pay this guy. the same thing hapen on the bath tubs drains but since you can not get under to clean the pipes. un-screw the water stoper use a electrician nose plaiers and pull the hair is stock on the drain.