Home > categories > Furniture & Décor > Drawer Slide > Drawer sliding way how to disassemble, my kitchen cabinet damping drawer can not shut, shut oneself still open, how to repair?.

Drawer sliding way how to disassemble, my kitchen cabinet damping drawer can not shut, shut oneself still open, how to repair?.

Drawer sliding way how to disassemble, my kitchen cabinet damping drawer can not shut, shut oneself still open, how to repair?.


When you remove the drawer, you can see the screws nailed to the track and you can pull it down. You according to the above problems, you may be the cabinet with the original track, most of the iron, there may be all bad sectors, you buy Stainless Steel installed is not expensive, it was a little more than 2 yuan an inch, hardware market very much, suggest you buy 304 stainless steel rails 12-14, the price between 25-30 inches
At the three track, pull the drawer to the top, and you'll see both sides of the track have exposed plastic buckles, and press the buckle to remove the drawer.

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