Drink soft drink before bed? does this have any bad effect?
It is not good to drink soft drinks before bed because of your teeth. Plus water is a better idea. The body uses alot of water while you sleep and you need to be rehydrated.
I used to do that a lot, it doesn't have any bad effect, unless you overdose on it. It was make some noises in your stomach though just like any other liquid. Because usually when you go to bed its very quiet so you'll hear it go through your intestines. :)
well ya for one thing you just shouldnt drink them. If you were to stop on adverage a person can loose up 8 pounds. Plus if u drink it before bed all that fat is stored up instead of burned and its bad for your teeth and sleep it can cause serious sleep problems.
By soft drinks meaning soda and artificials juices, yes. That is horrible for you before bedtime. All the sugar and caffeine will keep you awake, make you feel crummy waking up in the morning, and you're not going to burn off those calories and cory syrup while sleeping ! If you don't brush your teeth after drinking it, you can count on cavities ! Personally, caffeine doesn't keep me from falling asleep, but soda is just plain horrible for your body.
I imagine most people will tell you its not a good idea because it can cause you to have difficulty falling asleep. I drink soda before I go to bed, and personally, have no trouble at all.