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dual exhaust on a protege ? ?

i got 02 mazda protege . iz it possible to b able to put dual exhaust system on it ?


yes you can put a dual exhaust on lol but why would you want too? a protege is slow
P.U.M.A., It is possible to put a dual exhaust system on just about any vehicle, but some are easier than others, and thus subject to additional costs. Did the 2002 Mazda Protege come in a package (often a sports-based on) that had a dual exhaust system from the factory? If so, this is a good indicator that installing a dual exhaust system will be much simpler. If it did not, some modifications (welding brackets, cutting material from the bumper, etc.) may have to be made in order to make it fit properly. Your best bet would be to contact your auto exhaust/performance store of your choice to see how much such an alteration would cost if it had to be done.

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