I want to clean our carpets, but I have a 10 month old who is crawling everywhere and I don't want to use a harsh chemical cleaner. I have a Bissell Carpet Cleaner. Any suggestions on what I can put in it to clean the carpets that won't ruin the machine, but is baby friendly? Thanks
Here is a site that I would highly recommend. They have very high quality stain removal techniques. They have a list of stains to choose from, but in your case I would just look up the solutions that they tell you how to make. I would suggest repeating the process after the first application, and rinsing the rug out with cool water in between applications. Best of luck!
You could simply use white vinegar in place of carpet shampoo. Your house will smell like salad for a little while but the smell will dissipate. For tough set in stains, spray lemon juice on them, wait about 10 minutes, then use your Bissel to remove the stain. Here's a cleaning tip I use: After cleaning your carpets, wipe the whole area with an old towel or baby blanket. It only takes a few minutes and will greatly speed the drying time and remove any dirt that was not sucked up by your Bissell.