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Electric yellow chiclid?

y does my electric yellow always dig massive holes? i recently switched to a planted tank with fine graval and now he diges holes and its very annoying. is there any way to get him to stop and maby take his mind off of it. its amazing how much rock he can move overnight. hes like a excavator lol.


These fish are pit spawners,this is your fish creating it's spawning site. BTW,planted tanks and African Cichlids usually don't mix well.
This is signs of breeding, he is digging craters so he can spawn with another cichlid, there really is no way of stopping this
flow and purchase a small seperate tank, and allow it heat up and flow with a small bubbler in there and feed it bloodworms and then permit it take a seat in a gloomy room no longer stricken, then permit that is in there until its well-being grows, yet have not got the water to warm positioned it at mid variety like 80 3-86 and then it is going to paintings,
Like other have stated the digging is do to spawning. To get them to stop you need to use larger gravel. If you want them to spawn it is best to use arganite or sand instead. But to get them to stop you need to use pea gravel wish is about 3/8 - 1/2 inch in size. You can have a planted tank but you need plants with well established root systems. PK
chiclids will continue to uproot your plants, it is for that reason they tend to be kept in aquariums decorated with rocks and such

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