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ELECTRONICS: Can someone tell me exactly what a ground is?

I need a good answer, I‘m quite new to electronics and all the definitions that I look up don‘t give me much information. I‘m trying to make an simple FM receiver, and some other things as well and usually the ground is a big metal object which I don‘t understand the point of. I‘d like a carefully explained answer, along with another so in conclusion. kind of answer where it seems you‘re talking to a 5 year old. (I think I understand things better that way :P) Thank you, and I‘ll put much thought into deciding the Best Answer.


no, because there are many different definitions of ground. And many different kinds of ground. It can be anywhere from a circuit common point, such as in a camera, to a massive copper plate buried in the ground and connected to with heavy copper cables. For a radio like in your example, it would be the metal chassis the radio is constructed on, which is tied to the antenna ground and the battery common. This can be tied to the AC power ground, or not. For RF work, you usually want a ground plane of some sort to connect components to. This can be a layer inside a PC board, or an outside layer of a PC board, or even a thin sheet of copper that you solder parts to. But I warn you, a good FM receiver is a very difficult project. I wouldn't undertake it myself, as it requires a lot of experience with RF circuits. While I have lots of circuit experience, not much is in RF. Easier to buy one. .
Ground is a common Reference point.Earth ground like a water pipe is best.

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