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Evidence that giants were real?

I was reading this book and it said that the reason why ancient structures were so big is because there were giants that could carry the bricks and put them in high placesHow else would anicent civilizations be able to do this without having equipment to perform this? Did some civilizations have cranes to lift heavy objects or were there really giants?


I have heard that the best cleaner for copper is baking soda, not toothpasteYou add a bit of water and make a paste and use a soft clothmaybe if you use a baking soda toothpaste.
I have copper bottomed potsSince I use lots of lemons and limes in my tea, I always have a rind handy Wet the copper, sprinkle with salt, rub with piece of citrus rindI never buy copper cleanerThe pots are always shinyIf you have burned on food, use one of the scothbrites to clean the gunk offThe salt/lime is just to remove oxidation to shine it up.
Yes you can, i have used toothpaste to clean booth copper and silver, but you need to make sure its not abrasive and not the bleaching kindYou can also use a mild oven cleaner, but do it outdoors, fumes are really strongBut i only suggest the oven cleaner if it is a really hard cooked on stain.
cider vinegar and salt is the oldest copper cleaner on recordIt works well.
I've never, ever, ever heard of thisGiants are restricted to mythologyThe reason ancient civilizations were able to build such big structures because they were intelligent and had a good knowledge of maths, such as the Greeks, who practically invented the foundations for maths today, and were able to build massive structures such as the temples through formulas and theorems (eg Pythagoras's theorem) Ancient Egyptians were able to build the pyramids because of slave labour, dead accurate calculations and the use of literally millions of men, many of which died, many more of which were killed while being buried with the Pharaohs of the timeBoth of them had cranesNothing like the ones today, but large, wooden cranes often operated by hand, using rope etcAlthough the Egyptians used slopes in the pyramids to force slaves to push the blocks up hill, and pull them up hill in harmonyThis often resulted in deaths of many slavesAs far as I know, there is no evidence over the existence of giants, just speculation, and speculation is just somebody's thoughts, often with little, weak, or no evidence to support it - in this case being little and weak evidence to support any conclusion that they existedHistory tells us that people were much smaller thousands of years ago, not the oppositeTherefore, I class giants as part of mythology and nothing more than that.

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