i will like to buy my car an exhaust system. which exhaust system you recommend and why ?
some foods high in iron are dark green vegetables, dried fruit, soy milk, oatmeal, tofu, nuts, whole wheat bread, pretzels and whole wheat pasta, etc! a quick and super easyyyy way to up your iron intake is add about 1 or 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon to your glass of soy milk, or in your cereal(cold cereal or hot cereals like oatmeal),on toast or on an apple.,,ground cinnamon is easy to eat because it taste great, and you can add it to a lot of foods and it's surprisingly high in iron(and in fiber, calcium and manganese) and VERY low calories and fat freeehehe who knew! good luck! xoxoxoxx
Broccoli and my GP told me to drink a glass of Guinness each day when I was iron deficient!
Spinach, and other leafy greens are high in iron.
BORLA the best in the world