A small wire cage with two levels can comfortably accomodate one or two ferretsMore than two, and you will probably require a larger cageSafeguard or Martins makes a good sturdy home for your ferretTheir links are belowBoth will ship their cages within a day or twoWe fasten a small dishpan on the bottom floor for use as a litter pan that can be removed for easy cleaningWe use wood pellets, the kind that are used in wood pellet stovesIt is very inexpensive, less than $4 for a 40 pound bag, and it is excellent for absorbing moisture and odorWe have found clay litter to be less than desirable and some of the clumping litters can be harmful to the health of your petsWood or cedar shavings are not recommended since the wood fibers have been found to be cancer causingWe recommend used baby clothes as bedding and blanketsFerrets like to find a warm dark enclosed area to sleepThe blankets and baby clothes provide a nice cuddly place to hideThey also are inexpensive as you many times can get these things at a garage sale or flea marketWe also will put shower curtain rings through the arms and legs of baby pajamas and hang them in the cage as a hammockSmall carpet sample pieces or linoleum will keep your ferrets feet from being injured on the wire cage bottomsFresh water is essential and a small animal water bottle should be attached to the cage and refilled daily.
not very long, they are limited production.