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fighter planes & what can trigger a lock on?

Is lock-on triggered by the heat Signature or from the solid object


Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Home made dagger lensatic compass fire striker
my trusty 300 weatherby -water 1 good length of lite cord 1 good bunch of TP 1 weather proof lighter 1 roll electrical tape 1 leatherman 1 good hunting knife -several snickers bars 1 good packboard 1 full flask (for medicinal purposes of course) - a whole lot of common sense i live and hunt in the BC Rockies and from experience i know that too much stuff is a pain in the back side and i have spent 3 days snowed in in a high basin. i don't want all that stuff when i have a hind quarter of an elk on a pack-board.
More often seen with Malesinstinctual to mark territory. But did you know that some male dogs need to be trained to lift their leg? Strange but true.
Dont forget A-1 steak sauce.I knew a guy that killed a deer but got stranded in the woods for 2 days because his truck got stuck.He had everything to skin and cook his deer,but forgot A-1 sauce.This man starved to death.So yeah,it is that important.You might also add some hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol or prep pads to your list though,just in case
I make survival kits that are small enough to fit into a standard shirt breast pocket. And, I always carry them with me when I go hiking or hunting. Go to YouTube and do a search on Altoids Survival Kit and you will see many good ideas.

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