i have a gravity floor furnace and the pilot will stay lit but the heat will not come on. i can get it to work if i stomp on the floor over the furnace. any ideas?
Imagine how you would feel, being an American, if Russia placed missiles (it's not just a radar!) at your borders. Iran and North Korea against which these shields are meant are situated in a slightly different direction so putting up the defense system in Chech Republic and Poland is at least dubious. It makes sense to place them farther to the East. I don't think Europeans feel great about this idea either. As far as I know the majority of Chech population are against it. Taking the above into account, this makes it a totally geopolitical action aimed at marking the territory of American control. I think a compromise should be found, otherwise it will not lead to anything good.
Russia is becoming smaller and weaker by the day. It is highly unlikely there will be another Cold War. Putin is just trying to hold on to the memory of the mighty U.S.S.R.
If you go to Wal-mart, Lowes, or Home Depot you should be able to buy floor protectors to put under the wheels of the bed to keep it from rolling around. I have a dry sink that has wheels we got some protectors that were square that were inexpensive. Mine are clear so they are not real noticeable either. Using these you do not have to remove the wheels.