I'm building a house on Sims 2. Once i completed the walls for level 1 of the house, i moved up to the second level to build there but for some reason the floor tile grid is not complete. I can't build the walls as the floor has gaps in it. Does anyone know why this is? and how can i prevent it?
It's both that you just should not have a wall at the first ground, you'll be able to placed a kind of columns within the construct mode to position help on your second ground. Or it is that you just constructed a staircase there. Hope I helped! :)
Normally if your on the 2nd floor of your house you have to put up the walls first but it's been awhile since I played that game so I might be wrong. When I say the walls though I mean for the outer part of the house. Did you try clicking on the options so that you can make the walls disappear so you can see what your doing better? Could be something is in the way possibly or it could be that your trying to build your house a certain way. If your doing it where your having like say a terrace on the 2nd floor than you need to put a crap load of pillars under at the beginning than put your floor on the 2nd level. After you did that you can delete all the extra pillars and everything should work where you don't have any gaps in your floor. Hope that helps.