Today we are having a fire drill, and I want to say something very funny when the alarm goes off. Any idea's? :)
If your house has a receiver built into it that's one way. If you've looked everywhere and can't find one, it might be near the power panel Look for wires in a closet or if your house has an alarm system, there might be a panel there. Look for loose wires.They're probably not connected to anything. If there's not a panel, they're probably in the wall SOMEWHERE. call whoever you bought the house from lol. Ask for the layout of the house.
I heard Roman Reigns is leaving the shield and turning face. He might be challenging orton for wwe championship soon.
MRSA patients are put into full quarantine. Doctors and nurses use a robe, mask, and gloves when even in the room with the patient. If the patient has to go out of the room then they are in the same garb.