garlic,onions Any gardeners out there know any tips on vertickle sm gardening ideas?
We don't know where you live, so it's hard to make a recommendation. As for GMO - you can't get GMO's to plant in your home garden even if you WANTED to. They don't exist for the home gardener. (You'd have to sign a contract to do it) So no worries. If you are in late summer, and your first frost is at least 2 months way, you can plant lettuce, spinach, carrots, onions, and if you can find starts - cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower. Wait to plant garlic until it's time to plant your spring bulbs (like tulips, daffodils, crocus) in the fall. Then harvest the garlic next summer.
Not exactly, I know for a fact a local greenhouse is selling tomato plants that are from GMO seeds, my source is the greenhouse itself. I was told by them that they have to buy 5000 seeds and they use them for tomato plants that they sell. I made sure to get only heirloom tomato plants from them.