how long does the average boiler last? the house Im trying to purchase has a boiler thats approx. 20 yrs old. should I plan to replace this soon or is this down the road. The hot water heater is 18 yrs old so Im assuming the water is good in the house. any info about boilers will be very helpful!
I would be more concerned about your water heater than the boiler. Typically, boilers last 30 years, and I have seen some still in operation in nursing homes that are 40+ years ols. Water heaters generally last about 20 years.
a 20 year old boiler and an 18 year old water heater. There's no real formula to determine when they will go bad, they just do. If you get 10 years out of a water heater, you got alot so 18 is actually pretty impressive. The boiler, 20 years, sure you could have problems with it down the road or tomorrow or it may last another 20 years. If it works fine now then I wouldn't worry too much about it. For peace of mind, have it inspected and maybe get a little routine maintenance done if necessary.