hey i need some help. my families getting gas heating and im super paranoid that carbon monoxide is gonna be realeased into the air and we all get killed by it. can someone please help me get over this thought and move on. thanks a ton :))
Very good question. Learning new whistles and words obviously would have a slight strain on their minds, but birds are very intelligent creatures. Think of it like a human baby learning its first words. Now picture that baby with feathers, and being fully grown (physically of course). Or if and when you first learned how to play an instrument; it was difficult, but by repetition you caught on and figured out how to do it. Bottom line: teaching parrots how to talk does change them, but it's more of an enhancement!
Do something witty and has a good sound. California Bone Crusher is a bit too long Off with their head is original and rhymes with the last name The Chosen One is not too iriginal Hollywood isn't great but not bad
Never Scared Remix was the Ish