
Global Real Estate?

What are your thoughts on a a global real estate fund in the current market conditions? Obviously the US RE market has tanked and we are starting to see the global market slip. I recently invested into a 5 star global real estate fund, but am concerned that the global re market will follow suit to the us markets. Should I withdraw my funds or stick it out?Also, this is a short term investment account that we are aggressivley investing our funds. We are looking to purchase a home in abour 2 years and are trying to build some return.


I don't think the international real estate is going to suffer too badly. I know of someone who owns a house in China and the real estate is still climbing.
Global Real Estate is really not that aggressive...if you are going for a brass ring ( big gains, quickly) would be much better off to look at ETFs that focus on hot sectors...or even some individual stocks in those sectors. Right now agricultural chemicals, oil services, and financials ( risky) are making moves. MOO...DBA..XME..USO..OIH..XLF You can buy them in smaller amounts than most can sell off at any time... they may be more what you really want.

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