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hamster dirt bedding harmful?

I hear some people say that the dirt bedding burns the hamster eyes and even them getting virus form it. I got my dirt bedding from the pet store and added in bathing sand with chipped walnuts. Its not really soil and its really loose and easy for the hamster to burrow. I just got my pair of hamsters and would like to know if these dirt are harming my hamsters so i can change them earlier.


they like carefresh bedding.
consult a vet, but i have never herd of hamster beding being bad for them
Unfortunately I've never heard of dirt bedding for hamsters but I have heard of play cages that use sterilized play sand for them to burrow and play in. Personally I use aspen bedding for my hamsters.
I've never heard of using dirt bedding, but I have heard of cedar bedding. Cedar bedding keeps them smelling fresh/good and absorbs urine. It also helps prevent parasites The cage should be cleaned about once a week. Cedar Bed shavings can be bought at Wal-Mart. get the size/type for dogs. The hamsters use their teeth to break the shavings down to to size they like, and in doing so keeps their teeth from growing too long and killing them, or having to be cut shorter. A large bag costs under ten dollars at Wal-Mart and can fill one cage multiple times. So I highly recommend using Cedar Shavings.
DIrt bedding doesnt sound good. Switch to pine or care free bedding NEVER I REPEAT NEVER! Use Cedar! It causes severe respitory problems and your babies will die from it

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