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Has anyone ever out preformed shawn micheals?

Shawn Micheals is my favorite wrestler and me and my friend are having an arguemnt. We were watching old wee videos and i said no one has ever out performed shawn micheals espically in a big match. He said stone cold and i told him thats not true becasue shawn had a broke back and was trying to drop the title anyway. If you guys can give me edvience to anyone outperforming him please let me know


Kurt Angle - WrestleMania 21 Edit : You can add Chris Benoit at WrestleMania 20. Although HHH was also involved in that match, Benoit actually outperformed BOTH Michaels and HHH.
Chris Jericho,Kurt Angle,Bret Hart,and Shelton Benjamin have all out performed Shawn Michaels.Shawn was great,but he's not even close to being best ever.Those guys are the first ones of the top of my mind when I think of people that wrestled Shawn and out performed him but I could come up with a list as long as my leg of better wrestlers than Shawn.
The only match I can remember HBK being out performed in was his Raw match during the Gold Rush tournament when Bischoff was GM against Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin's greatest match of all-time IMO. HBK brought Benjamin to that great performance, but Benjamin out performed him IMO none the less @chemtrails is right on that one too. Kurt Angle at WM21 out did him too
Kurt Angle
There are 2 person who i think have outperformed HBK in a wrestling match. The first one being Kurt Angle (WrestleMania 21) and the other one, believe it or not, Shelton Benjamin (2005). Benjamin is younger and more athletic than HBK and believe me...Benjamin didn't look weak at all in this match, as a matter of fact, he dominated most of the match. I recommend you to watch their match and let me know what you think. Shawn Micheals vs Shelton Benjamin.

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