I was searching the internet today for things to do in the San Francisco regionI came across the Winderson or Wickerson I cannot remember the name, Mystery MansionA giant mansion that took 38 years to buildI cannot believe one woman lived there all alone, it looks very creepyI am 14 years old, is it too creepy or just cool to look around? I am a sucker for Nancy Drew mysteries, but I find that I cannot even play the computer game (searching through the haunted house for clues) without getting the shiversHave you ever been to this mystery house? What is it like? I'd definitley not do the flashlight tour, has anyone done that tour in the dark? Oh geesh, I'd pee myself.
You can try thinking of something to do.That always helps.Its amazing,because whenever I'm bored,I just think of something to do,and I'm not bored anymore -Christian
makes a few burnt bored toast, a fine scorching cup of bored teaStick on an uneventful video, stroke the bored cat then hop upstairs on your bored mattress and get a few fine bored close-eyeYou wont be bored in case your asleep.
It's actually the Winchester Mystery HouseI haven't been for ages, but when i was little I considered it to be very scary! It's not so much like a gory haunted halloweeney haunted house.it's more.like.eerieDoors opening onto empty elevator shafts, hallways leading no where, secret passages, haunted rooms, that sort of thingIt's definetely something you should check out, at least once in your life! I recommend going! I'm pretty sure you can take guided tours of the houseI've never been on one of the flashlight tours though.
lol everyonesz' soee mean on here xP buh whatever juss watchtv or myspace it ! :DD
go watch food network and finger yourselfyour picture looks like a stripper/prostitute, by the way