I had sex with my wife for the first time and she was riding me and when she came it was like gallons of water came out of her. I thought she was peeing on me or something. She was embarrased as hell and said it happens sometimes, usually when she is on E. But she is not on anything and like every other time we do it I have to flip my mattress over. I think I am going to have to get rubber sheets. Does this happen to anyone else?
Faithfully Pray If you do not believe in prayer..start digging a hole and get as deep as possible and cover upbut make sure you have a source of oxygen!
Fire Fighters are trained to survive in these situations but it is not easy a lot depends on the specific circumstances.. location..type and speed of the fire.. wind.. There are several factors to deal with besides just the fire super heated airsmoke lack of oxygen debris A lot also depends on the equipment available. flame retardant blankets.water.bottled oxygen.. It is possible to survive but it takes knowledge and planning
Check your local ordinances. Here all rentals have to have smoke alarms. IF the landlord broke the law he could be charged with what I dont know. But the tenants could have taken care of this before the fire. Sorry to hear of your loss.
There are at least three threats of a fire, including 'wildfires'. By a wildfire we usually mean an unplanned burn of forest, trees or grass. First, there is smoke. Thick smoke can pretty much make a very bad day. Then, there is heat. Obviously getting to close to a heat source can cause burns even if you aren't in the fire. Then, there are flames which cause direct burns. Ok. I wanted to review those threats since each one is a consideration to survival. Forest fire people of course try not to get trapped. They keep in contact with others to know where the fire is heading. Yep getting out of the way is first. but you wanted what to do if trapped. Well. the next best action is to dig into the cool earth in a clear area free of combustible stuff. Then fire folks use a special blanket which is fireproof and made of flexible reflective material like aluminum to cover themselves. The blanket is a half inch thick. You mentioned a water source. I agree that if you can get to one it will do nicely to keep cool, and away from the heat, and fire. Hope you never get trapped in a fire.
pretty sure that firefighters have preplanned escape routes available. so its your own prob if you get trappedshouldve learned an escape.