I'm wondering If Donatal (what I'm taking for my quot;IBSquot;) will help if I take an extra dose right now?? I know I'm supposed to only take it four times a day but it's not helping right now.My right rib and upper/mid back are aching like crazy and I just threw up but this is nothing new for me.I just want it to CALM down! lol.I STUPIDLY ate something with chicken broth (which had chicken fat in it and oil) and now I'm completely regretting it.BLAHThe right upper side is of course tender to the touch.I'm at work, on my break.and I'm just anxious to get back to baseline and get some work done (I work in human services
Taking Donatal is not going to stop a gall bladder attackFor now drink lots of water and if you can get to a pharmacy or health food store purchase Lecithin capsules and take two of them with a large glass of waterThis cleans out the gallbladderthis will help stop the pain very quickly As a general rule, the grain and cereal foods at the top of this list make the safest, easiest, and most versatile soluble fiber foundations for your meals and snacksAlso these have practically no fat Rice, Pasta and noodles, Oatmeal, Barley, Fresh white breads such as French or sourdough (NOT whole wheat or whole grain) Rice cereals, Flour tortillas, Soy, Corn meal, Potatoes, Carrots, Yams, Sweet potatoes, Turnips, Beets, Squash and pumpkins, Mushrooms, Chestnuts, Avocados (though they do have some fat), Bananas, Applesauce, Mangoes, Papayas (also digestive aids that relieve gas and indigestion) Please choose a baked-daily, high quality, preservative-free brandWhite bread does not mean Wonder.
Check the size of your aluminum pan and bake as per the instructions for the metal pans, usually 350degrees for 35 - 45 mins
Bake your cake at 350 degrees and follow the instructions as if you were using a hard metal panBe sure to grease and flour the pan well to make the cake easier to remove from pan.
MINT CREAM- 2 c Cream 1 pk After eight mints 2 Squares baking semi-sweet -CAKE-- chocolate 4 lg Eggs 7/8 c Sugar 8 oz Almonds; grounded 1/2 c (scant) flour 3 tb Coca 1 ts Baking powder -CREAM FILLING AND ICING- 1 c Cream Mint cream from above Cream Cake with Mint Taste (Kake med Myntesmak) THE DAY BEFORE (Mint Cream): Put 2 cups (5dl) cream in a saucepan and heat over mediumAdd 1 package of After Eight mints (reserve 8 for decorating) and 2 semi-sweet chocolate squares and stir until meltedCool the mixture and store in fridge overnight (this makes the mint flavour stronger than if you use the mint cream the same day)CAKE: Line the bottom of a 10 (26cm) springform pan with paper and butter itWhip the eggs and sugar really really well - as if making a sponge cakeThis could take about 5-8 minutes on highCombine the rest of the ingredients and FOLD by hand into the egg/sugar mixturePour into the prepared springform panBake at 375 F (200 C) for about 30 minutes or until done (toothpick comes out clean)Cool on a rackWhen prepared to fill and ice, slice in half with a long knifeCREAM FILLING and ICING: Whip the mint creamWhip the plain creamFold the two together mixing wellFill the cake with the cream filling (~1/3) and use the remaining 2/3 to ice the top and sides of the cake (or figure out the proportions by sight)Cut the 8 reserved after Eight mints in half diagonally and place cut side down on the top of the cake as decoration (i.ethey stand up high from the cake).