So I had a scaffold/industrial done about 10 weeks ago, and its been infected at the top hole only for about 3/4 weeks. It has like a little bubble near the hole and sometimes its filled with pus a little bit and sometimes its not. Well I went the doctors about 2 weeks ago and he prescribed me a weeks worth of antibiotics as well as anti-septic cream. So I took the pills for a week and it was clearing up, I was also applying the cream twice a day. But then yesterday I noticed the lump has gotten a little bit bigger. I don't know what to do, should I take it out? But I really don't want to. And plus the doc said to wait up to 3 weeks and if nothings changed to go back and take it out. If I continue to use the cream, will it eventually go? Thanks :)
have a piercer look at it.
If so, its hypertrohic scarring, a common occurence in cartilaginous piercings caused by too much jewelry movement/improperly fitted jewelry. It can be treated by applying tea tree oil to the bump once or twice a day.
dw i had the lump for 6 months nd after a year it has finally healed but u have to be patient nd the other comment is right use tea tree