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Heat Rash...any home remedies or anything to help?

Well the title says it all pretty much.


Take a cold bath, although it may make it sting a little, and use rash cream a few times a day. It should go away in a few days
i get it every summer. take a cold bath ( not a shower ) and smother it in lots of cream. don't wear tight clothing for the next few hours. :)
Just shower with it being cool (or a bath) wet compresses powder (gold bond) less clothing the best. Try an oral benadryl at bed time. Drink a lot of water keep cool if you can (inside?)
You only mild soap. Adding some baking soda, chamomile or lavender oil to your bath water helps soothe the skin. Eat fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C and E, especially tomatoes, which work as good anti-oxidants and hasten the healing process. You can also rub vitamin E and aloe on your skin to sooth and speed up healing. take it easy
Home remedies for Rash #14: Aloe vera gel and green clay soothe the skin. Home remedies for Rash #15: Chamomile cream, calendula lotion, or comfrey ointment should be applied directly to the itchy areas as often as needed, as their anti- inflammatory properties will help relieve your discomfort. Home remedies for Rash #16: Chickweed infusion can be used to bathe the area to stop itching. Home remedies for Rash #17: Cucumber puree, made from peeled, blended fresh cucumbers, can be applied directly to the affected area for three minutes to relieve your itching and pain. Home remedies for Rash #18: Jewelweed, also known as impatiens, can be boiled in a gallon of water, strained, and cooled. The liquid stops itching extremely well. In fact, in clinical trials, it has worked just as well as prescription cortisone creams. Note that while it is sometimes called impatiens, jewelweed is not the same plant that is sold as a flowering annual in home and garden centers. Home remedies for Rash #19: An herbal tea made from two parts each of agrimony and chamomile and one part each of stinging nettle and heart's-ease can be taken three times a day as an aid to soothing the itching. In addition to drinking the tea, dip a clean cloth into it and apply it as a compress to the affected areas for five minutes every half hour, as needed. Other plants containing natural antihistaminic compounds from which you can make a combination tea include basil, fennel, ginkgo, oregano, tarragon, tea, thyme, and yarrow. These teas should be used in compresses applied to the itchy areas, as well as drunk three times a day.

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