Help!How much to repair? Can a handyman type take care of this problem?Heating system, forced air, comes on several times blowing cold air, before coming on and blowing hot air. What's wrong? Estimated cost to repair?I'm in the midwest!
rezniwt nailed it above that is exactly what is happening every time your heater starts up
Nothings wrong.the air in the duct gets cold between cycles and takes a minute for the hot air to clear it out when system kicks on.Nothings wrong
the warm air has to push the cold air out of the duct work. In mine the furnace comes on warms up the heat exchanger then fires up the blower. The air coming out when the blower starts up is a little cooler but it quickly heats up. My ex-brother-in-law insulated his duct work and found that it stayed warmer and heated up faster when the system was cycling. Said it reduced his heating bills, but my sister said he was a cheap SOB and kept the house cool. You can get the duct insulation at any DIY store like the Home Depot or Lowes, possibly even Wal-mart but I've never looked there. I'd try the insulation first because it is cheap and easy, but before you do that get some of that aluminum tape and tape up the seams on your duct work first. These are a couple of cheap and easy things that can be done by anyone. If you think that your furnace is the problem leave that to the pros