I have this paper on a mineral called enargite and we have to have some of the uses for it. It is an ore for copper so what is copper ore's used for? If you know any interesting facts on Enargite that would be awesome too!
Copper ores are typically used to make copper, which is used in electrical wires among other things.
Enargite is clearly a copper bearing mineral being copper, arsenic sulphide Cu3AsS4 (it also has a dimorphous form called Luzonite) but it cannot be regarded as an ore of copper as it rare and never found in sufficient quantities to be mined commercially on its own. It is usually found in medium temperature hydrothermal ore veins or replacement deposits associated with sulphides and quartz. Magnificent crystals have been found at Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana. It crystallizes in the Orthorhombic system ( class mm2) Its hardness is 3 and its density 4.4 . It has four cleavage directions {110} perfect, {100} distinct, {010} distinct and {001} indistinct. Crystals are commonly prismatic along the c-axis terminated by basal pinacoids. It is most commonly found massive or granular. There is a lot more very technical information but I doubt if it will be of any interest. Hope that helps a bit.