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Help! I dropped my LCD computer monitor!?

I have a Target TruTech 19 LCD DVD/PC/TV flat screen monitor. I dropped it today, and it is fine on the outside. But, when I plug it into my computer, there is a corner of the screen, about 5 by 2, that is covered in colored lines, cracks (internal) and what looks like gray or black liquid. Again, this is all inside the monitor, there is no outside damage. But, I use this screen for work and this is going to impair me. How easy will it be to fix? Can I just get some computer expert to fix it up? Is it a minor or major problem? I am NOT a tech person and need MAJOR help!!!! I am FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEEEEEEEELPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! :( :( :(


You have turned it into junk.
particular, the cost will drop over right here few years because it quite is going to become easier to manufature them. additionally, using LEDs will exchange into extra prevelant because of fact the cost for those drops besides.
It is broken permanently. LCD screens do not like being dropped. Repairing it would mean replacing the LCD panel. It will actually be cheaper to get a new one than it will be to have that one repaired.

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