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help on the risk assessment for heavy lifting ?

help on topic is greatly appreciated :D tq


check the wires condition - check the hook condition and it's locking devise - check the chains- check the conditions of the lifting bar or any other materials - check the machine and the certification for validity to be used The Crane license- check the boom / or the telescopic parts- check the supporting legs of the craneAll the above have to be assessed and confirm suitability in action prior authorizing the heavy lift to commence
No the doctor will give you a prescription for a gallon size battle of a laxative to take the day before it will clean you out real good
Wow, me too! In 14 daysYeah, just listen to the MDEnjoy the drugs(I have been taking fiber 2x a day anyway for the past 2 weeks just to become healthierDONT try to out guess the MD) Good for you and good luck for both of us.
no do not take any fiber the doctor will give you a prescription for one on the following : Golytely (also called Colyte, or Nulytely), phospho-soda, and sodium phosphate tablets (Osmo-Prep and Visicol)and that will clear you out pretty good

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