It's connected to the electical mains of the house and i've got one on each floor so that equals three alarms. The alarm on the 1st floor beeps every 30 seconds, it's been like this for a few days and it's bugging me. What do I NEED TO DO?
Browse007 as well as Vcamo will both allow you to get to your myspace. However, these are both susceptible to being blocked by an administrator, as are all proxy and camouflage websites. Once the administrator gets wind of what is happening, he/she could simple block the web address or the IP address of the proxy/camo site. Unless you are able to get in to the administrator controls of the blocking program, there is no real way to get around admins blocking proxys with the restricted rights that are usually imposed upon student accounts. If, however you are able to install programs, then it would be possible to use an IP hiding program (ex. Hide IP Platinum)that automatically connects you to a random proxy around the world. It may also be possible to download a firefox extension that does the same thing. This, of course, all depends on account privileges of course.
NEW: Is it just the colour that is the problem, or is it more than that, like having misaligned lines? Perhaps the 3 colours in the ink cartridge got mixed. Sometimes that happens. The odd time, you might be able to get rid of that problem
There is a time limit for reporting to the police. In most jurisdictions that is dependent upon the amount of damage. Please call your insurance agent. That person will be able to tell you what the time limit is and what your deductible is. The amount of time depends on how soon you contact your agent and the extent of the damage. Once the car is in the shop, don't expect anything less than a week. If parts are not locally available, it could take several weeks.