Is there a bus that goes directly from Newark airport to George Washington Bridge Bus terminal in Washington Heights?
There are kits out therePre fabricated aluminum to make it a lot easier to build your own airplaneThere are also plans, these ones you usually start from scratch, usually they require you to work with compositesMany WWI planes are made out of wood(not widely available anymore) and fabricIt's a bad idea to build an airplane of wood and fabric, it deteriorate quickly by the elements, you'll need a hangar to house it and constant maintenanceBut to answer your question is yesIf you put in the time and attention to detail into your work, almost anyone can build an aircraft.
Sure you can Buy a kit, get someone who knows what he is doing to help you assemble the thing and go for itWhile you are doing all that, be sure to earn a PPL and buy plenty of insuranceThose things have been known to unravel in mid-airOld pilot's adage: Never fly higher than you are willing to fall.
I have helped assemble several home built aircraft, or more specifically, I have wired severalTo classify as a home built, the owner must assemble no less than 51% of the aircraftSo what people usually do is assemble the fuselage then have someone with experience do the wiringThe airplane does have to go through FAA inspections and pass a test flight before you can fly it thoughVan's RV builds kits to make single engine planes, with several different configurations, and Viper Jet builds kits to make a two seater jet that you can build at homeI don't know of any WWI type kits thoughWWI airplanes were made out of wood and fabric, much harder to work with than aluminum.
At your terminal, look for New Jersey Transit Ticket Vending MachinePurchase one way $15 ticket from Newark Airport (EWR) to New York Penn StationTake Airtrain Newark to Newark Airport$5.50 fee are encoded in one way ticketThen transfer to inbound New Jersey Transit to New York Penn StationAt New York Penn Station, follow the sign to 8th Av Subway to 34th St-Penn StationTake uptown (A) train to 175th St, and walk through the passegeway to George Washington Bridge Bus Station.