HELP!!!! I need to know how they make plastic, well actually the ingrediants/materials and there process. And i want to know if i can find the same materials and make the plastic in my house. Please someone try to help me atleast with one part or anything you know will be just fine! i need this for my science fair project, and i haven't found anything i tried wikipedia, yahoo, google, msn, ask, and alot of other ones. Oh yeah and if you do find me the ingredients please can you tell me where i can buy it or how i can make it! please everyone i need all the help i can get! im going to be posting this question around!!
if you're trying to make plastic, why don't you try melting some plastic bottles of something??
Although if you try to melt plastic bottles, they will release toxic gasses, so I would NOT reccomend that. Maybe you could go to the library? Or could you ask your science teacher at school? Or if it's due tomorrow, could you email them? Hope this helps.
Try following these steps... Have an adult slowly warm 1/2 cup of heavy cream (or milk). When it begins simmering, stir in a few spoonfuls of vinegar (lemon juice will also work). Continue adding spoonfuls of vinegar and stirring until it begins to gel. Now let the it cool. Next, wash the rubbery stuff with water to clean it off. You'll have little plastic 'curds'
For alternatives to plastic, you need to look at the environmental and recycling sites. Plastic is used because it is robust and lightweight. We used to use rubber, cork, wood, various metals. Plastic is used in a lot of packaging rather than paper because it is lighter and easier to handle with automated machinery. Plastic is made by heating crude oil (which you will have problems getting hold of at home). When crude is heated, the high octane stuff comes off first and that is used for aircraft, less volatile stuff is used for transport, then comes diesel, the heavy stuff that's left is used as tar, nylon, and plastics, then comes tarmac for roads etc. If you try making this at home, you will be killed for wrecking the kitchen :-)