Home > categories > Construction & Real Estate > Curtain Walls > I need to know where i am able to buy or order a LCD or LED video Curtain/Wall?

I need to know where i am able to buy or order a LCD or LED video Curtain/Wall?

Hi.I have a band, and we wish to bring our production standards up, I have seen many youtube videos of these new LCD and LED video curtains and video walls.


There is no such thing as an LCD video curtain. Only LED. This technology was invented by a small company out of Boston called Color Kinetics a few years ago. You can find these curtains for sale on the internet, but you will pay around $600 per square foot. Want it cheaper? You'll just have to keep wanting. Just like any other new technology, it will take some time for the prices to drop. It's all about supply and demand. As long as the demand is high and the supply is low, you will pay a fortune.

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