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Hi, I'm involved in a work with heat exchanger maintenance. I need help in cost estimate?

want to know downtime cost estimate, mean time to repair, logistics support, and any other information relating to heat exchanger maintenance


The best bet when giving a cost opinion is to ask someone who's actually done it in the past. I did a cost opinion today on a $2.5 million project and found that I had better numbers from someone who has done it in the past.
Ask various manufacturers of heat exchangers. The size and type of the heat exchanger depends as well. An air-to-air closed loop heat exchanger for a control panel will need different maintenance than a huge shell and tube liquid-liquid heat exchanger, for example. It is best to ask various manufacturers of a suitable heat exchanger for your application for the maintenance procedures and frequencies. Any manufacturer that wants your business will be more than happy to give you a ballpark figure. You may find that the more expensive manufacturer produces a less maintenance-intensive product.

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