I would love to know some high fibre healthy foods to eat, any suggestions??thanks!
oh my gosh! very elementary questioneven grade 1 student can answer thatyou are just showing your lazinessyou must read your chemistry books.
an element is when they only have that type of atom egnitrogenA compound is when a couple of elements are mixed together egwaterA mixture is when many elements are mixed together egcandy bar.
It's elemental that you pay attention in class, read your text and do your own homeworkCompounding your laziness with an easy way out won't encourage you to improveIf you have a mixture of effort and concentration you'll learnOtherwise it's no use giving you the answers now because you will just fail eventually.
Watercompound Seven bean soup compound, Baking sodacompound Birds nestcompound, Baking powdercompound, Ocean watercompound, Aluminumelement Starchcompound, Paintcompound, Gasolinecompound Sugarcompound Detergentcompound Inkcompound Phosphoruselement aircompound muddy watercompound powdered drink milkcompound calciumelement convretecompound bloodcompound cake mixcompound iced teacompound candy barcompound lemonadecompound nitrogenelement papercompound chlorineelement carbonelement carbonated watercompound marshmallowcompound Basically if you look at the periodic table, anything that is an element, anything that's not is a compoundHope this helps!
Avocado Beans Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrot Garbanzo Beans Eggplant Greens - collards, kale, turnip greens Lima beans Mushrooms Potato with skin Pumpkin, canned Peas - black-eyed peas, green peas Peppers Rhubarb Spinach Sweet Potatoes Apples Avocado Bananas Berries Dried Fruits Guava Kiwi Orange Pears Prunes