As a college student, the daily trips to Starbucks are breaking my bank. I would like to purchase an espresso machine for myself. I would prefer to spend under $100. I know that this won't allow me to get the best quality, but it's the most I am able to spend. I really only need to be able to steam the milk and produce 1-2 shots of espresso at a time. If anyone has an espresso machine that they love/hate, I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or advice. Thank you.
There are two recommendations I'd like to contribute: - Senseo is a great product. We love ours and the coffee tastes great. You can also make great tea. We love the Starbucks Chai tea that comes in the little pods. And the Cappuccino pods taste great as well. - A real italian espresso maker for under $30: Bialetti Moka Express Stovetop Espresso Makers. They work great, they are real, and authentic. We bought ours in Italy and used them for years.
It will save you money in the long run but just so ya know they are hard to keep clean its a pain in the butt to make the drinks. LOL But I have one I use it every now then. Go to walmart or target they will have them cheap
you can easily froth milk with a pan and a whisk (I do it all the time for large groups. Frothing milk is also possible with a french press (makes some of the best coffee useful for tea as well), just put in cold milk plunge repeatedly.