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Homogeneous and Heterogeneous.i get the gist of it but.not all of it?

iron orequartzgranitesodamilksaltwaternitrogenI have figure out which ones are homo and which ones are hetero, but no matter how i look at it it seems that all of them are homo! If you get a bottle of nitrogen and a gallon of nitrogen, im prettty sure it'd still be nitrogen. Can someone help me distinguish the two? Thanks.!


Homogeneous, the same all the way through, are solutions and pure substances such as elements and compounds. Heterogeneous are different throughout. ore is what the iron is extracted from, hetero quartz is a rock made of different compounds,Most quartz s silicon dioxide, some other quartzes exist it is not a compound granite is also a rock, chemical composition varies soda? baking soda, washing soda? soda pop, The pop is a solution, washing and baking soda are different compounds, there are other sodas. milk , may be homogenized, but is not homogeneous salt? what slat, there are hundreds, NaCl, table salt, sodium chloride is a compound as are all salts water is a compound nitrogen is an element, always homogeneous, but not a mixture Generally homogeneous and heterogeneous are terms used to describe mixtures
iron ore is a mass of rock that contains a large percentage of iron in it. The iron is not spread out equally in the ore thus iron ore is heterogeneous. quartz is a mineral crystal that has a specific crystal structure which is the same throughout so quartz is homogeneous granite is a rock composed of a combination of minerals that is not equal throughout the rock so granite is heterogeneous soda is the same throughout, the first sip is the same as the last sip thus soda is homogeneous same goes with milk Salt is homogeneous based on the granite example above water is the same throughout just like the soda example above nitrogen is the same throughout so it is homogeneous too

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