Hotel bedstead generally do high, bedside height
The bed that contemporary people uses, actually include bedstead and mattress two parts. The latest trends require roughly four points for beds. First of all, steady, can not sleep, there is a feeling of shaking. Secondly, it is necessary to form a crisp, straight lines of the bed compared with the idea of consumers to buy. Third, the head of the area has increased trend, and to make characteristics. As furniture designers, the best aspects of furniture such as beds are actually placed on the headboard. Fourth, the height of the bed is reduced, the current popular bed, plus mattresses, after many are only 20 cm, while the traditional bed height is 40 cm.
The bed is basically divided into three categories (including the A: wood plate pattern class) B: leisure leather bed C: shelf bed, the children, 1.2*1.8, 1.2*2.0, 1.1*1.8, 1.4*2.0, 1.6*2.0 is highly basic between 45.5 to 52.5 families: 1.6*2.0, 1.8*2.0, 2.0*2.2 in the height is between 22 and 35.