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Hotel to design a set of weak system how to do

Hotel to design a set of weak system how to do


Telephone trunk with multi-core cable (large number of 3 UTP or large logarithmic communication cable), floor branch with Category 5 UTP and network unified cabling / cheaper available 2-core indoor telephone line
The telephone trunk is assigned to a single point of connection to the end, the network trunk through the optical port switch to the mouth / or with a full RJ45 port switch, assigned to a line to connect to the end; cable TV branch / distribution tree connection to the end
The main room from the engine room, in the connection of the floor of the weak electrical wells within the vertical laying; the floor or compartment (each floor area is smaller, less bit of the situation) in the floor weak set with wiring cabinet /
Network backbone cable (4-6 core indoor cable or overhead cable) / cheaper available per floor 2 super 5 class UTP, floor branch with Category 5 UTP and telephone unified cabling / separate laying; cable TV trunk with - 9 RF coaxial, floor branch with -5 RF coaxial.

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