There's a 2 story closet in 12x13 roomHow can that be?
Sounds familiar, wasn't it like Demolition Derby or something? Maybe that was the game mode that you play in order to smash the carsIm pretty sure I know what your talking about.
I'm 99% sure you're talking about one of the twisted metal gamesMe and my brother used to play that all the time but then one day we found it snapped in half somehowThat was a sad
Twisted Metal is the one you're thinking ofIf you go back another 10-15 years, there was a similar game called Autoduel which was based on the board/role-playing game Car Wars by Steve Jackson games.
In other words, the closet goes all the way between two floors? The room is 12x13 how large is the closet? If the closet is very large it could be from a staircase that was removedIf it is more like the dimensions of a normal closet, it could be the shaft that a dumbwaiter was once in a sort of hand operated elevator for hauling things like groceries etc between floorsThis is particularly if the house is old and the room it's in is near the area of the kitchen, or mudroom near an outside doorIf it is quite small, it could be a clothes chute for dropping dirty clothes down to a lower floorOther than that, it is quite unusual to have a chase or space that goes all the way between two floorsIf you have a house from the late 1800's and it is balloon framed (a type of construction) that might partially explain how the space would even have been constructed.