How about the installation and subsequent maintenance of LED garden lamp?
After the test and operation of the lamp, after the installation of the lamp, after the insulation test has been checked, the test run is allowed. After power on, should be carefully checked and inspected, check whether the control of lamps and lanterns is flexible and accurate; whether the switch and the lamp control sequence correspond; if found problems should be immediately cut off the power, find out the cause and repair.
The maintenance of garden lights can be divided into two steps:1 、 external maintenance of lamps and lanternsThe solar garden light is often exposed to the outdoors, often through wind and rain weather, so the lamp above the general solar LED garden lamp will have more dust, can regularly with a clean cloth to wipe the dust, to keep the lamp post clean as new. When wiping, should pay attention to wipe in one direction, the action should maintain moderate and appropriate strength, and in the fragile parts clean, remember to move gently, lest many parts cause damage;2 、 interior lighting maintenanceThe interior of the lamp is clean, and in some cases the bulb is cleaned. At this time, should guarantee the first turn off the lamp, and then remove the lamp bulbs do wipe, such steps will be safe. If you want to wipe directly, please be careful not to tighten the bulb too clockwise, or the bulb will peel off too tight. Solar LED courtyard lights use a lens light source, effectively avoiding this clean-up problem.
The courtyard ground courtyard ground need strict attention, and the lamp can be close to the bare metal column conductors shall be reliably connected with the PEN line, ground wire should be a single trunk, trunk ring net should be formed along the courtyard layout, grounding line should not be less than two and the grounding line connecting leads.
The installation of courtyard lighting should be made of small power, high color, high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp, energy saving lamp and LED lamp.