How can I clean my carpet really well without using a steamer/shampooer? There's no stains on it and I vacuum regularly, but when my baby starts crawling i don't want a nasty germy, oil/dirt infested, carpet. What products are good?
Cleaning carpets are always an issue when a baby is involved. However, all of us are exposed to indoor air quality issues and it should be addressed properly. First, daily vacuuming is really sufficient in keeping your carpets clean for the baby. However, if you use an extractor on a carpet with only water, you'll find your carpets getting dull and grey. The reason is because your carpets act as a filter thus leaving alot of calcium and hard water deposits in your carpets. Chemicals aren't the issue when cleaning carpets. Most carpet cleaning products are diluted between 8-16 oz/gallon of water. Some may be less, so actually your using very little chemical. The key is to make sure that the carpets are thoroughly rinsed and dried. When carpets are wet, thats when your indoor air quality starts to suffer. You get mold, mildew and bacteria. Good luck!
the best thing to do if you are going to have the baby on the floor is not to use any chemicals at all. juts do this take hot water and mix in about a tablespoon of liquid dish detergant then take a stiff scrub brush and dip it in the water. Shake the bursh so most of the water comes out, then brush it over the carpet a few times and wipe with a soft cloth. when the carpet dries run the vacuum over it. It will get the dirt and oil out of your carpet and can also remove the stains from regular wear on your carpet. It may be allitle time consuming but it works well and is more healty for your child since there are no harmfull chemicals in the soap.
I believe that steaming is the best way. It kills the germs.
The steaming is your best way to clean your carpet and be assured you got the germs... Heres the trick instead of using the TOXIC chemical rug shampooers they have in the stores...put in the tank 3 squirts of dawn dish washing soap then fill to the cleaning line with vinegar...then fill the rest of the tank with water... WhaLah!! Instant toxic/chemical free GREEN homemade rug shampooer... NOTE under no condition do you let any animals or chidren on the wet carpet....It need to be totally dry....
You're going to have to rent a carpet-cleaner machine from your local grocery if you want to get your carpet really clean - it's really no big deal, and dries pretty quickly. If you're worried about the chemicals in the shampoos and cleaners that you are supposed to buy for the machine, you can always just use hot water and white vinegar instead of the bottled carpet-shampoo. Vinegar kills as much bacteria as antibacterial soap does - the only draw-back is that everything will smell like vinegar for a while. Whatever you do, don't use any of those powders that you shake over the carpet and then vacuum up - not good for crawling babies, as the powder residue can get on their toys or hands, which then put in their mouths. If you're just looking to kill surface germs, you can put vinegar and water in a spray-bottle and spritz the carpet with that, though renting a machine will get it really clean.