I work at a gallery and am in charge of designing a childrens programThe gallery features coverlets and I would like to create a day for kids to be able to come in and dye their own yarn then make something out of it the same dayI have not been able to find a process that is child safe and does not need heat to set the colorsAny ideas?
the doors on the left hold trays of food to keep them warm in the middle is coffee makers, then more meal holders,, down below is a fridge, the next set with the luftansa symbol are the tray carts they put the dinners in to serve you with,,, then they com back and pick them up and put them back inAt destination , they pull the food carts out the dirty ones and new ones are replaced
Rit Dye can be used in the microwave as the heat source if that helpsOr, you could use tea to dye the yarnDying is going to make a mess and will inevitably ruin their clothingThere is no way around that other than providing pre-colored yarn.