I thought I'd I'd call the fire department and ask, but it's not urgent, you know? Thought I'd try here first.
make him wear undies all the time and just buy plastic training undies to keep his pants dry and clean. They are underwear you can put on over his normal undies so he'll still feel the uncomfortable feeling of being wet or dirty.
YES. If this is steel pipe you can cut it. What you have to do though is buy a pipe threader. This is like a hand held ratchet that will cut threads into the pipe. Thread the ends you cut and you can put in a union to reconect the pipe.
I had this issue with my son for 9 months after he was dry through the day. He would wait for his nap time diaper and then his night time diaper to do his poops in. It drove me crazy, I tried bribing him with stickers then a prize when he had so many stickers. But that didn't work. I stopped him wearing the nap time diaper because he very rarely sleeps at nap time so he could use the toilet. He pooped in his underpants for a while but when I persevered he started using the toilet to poop in then. but would still poop in his diaper in the morning before I had a chance to take it off. Eventually he decided for himself to take his diaper off himself and poop in the toilet. So basically what I am saying is that he will eventually do it himself, but my experience was that there is nothing you can do to make him poop in the toilet. Sorry to not be more helpful, but I know what you are going through and how frustrating it is. Try not to scold him for it, just remind him that poops should really go in the toilet. If he is not ready to be dry through the night I wouldn't rush taking off the night time diaper, that just means a lot of laundry for you!
Its slightly like the little boy who cried wolf, they ought to attempt alarms then you rather get the fake alarms etc so human beings do no longer possibly project approximately them until sooner or later it rather is going to likely be for genuine there will be a disaster. what proportion situations have you ever heard a vehicle alarm going off human beings only looking walking on via?