I don't wish to offend anyoneI am really at a crossroadsHow can I rationalize allowing formaldehyde, aluminum, and aborted fetal tissue to be injected into my little child's body? Do I just think about the diseases they are preventing and try not to think about it? Look the other way? For those that vaccinate their children, how do you feel about that and do you think about that stuff in your child's body? I don't know what to do - which way to goThank you for your help - this is the one thing I struggle most with in my parenting role at this point.
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This is a major dilemma for a lot of parentsWhat has made it more difficult is the polarization of opposing views, in which pro-vaccine people (including medical professionals) refuse to admit there is any risk or concern associated with vaccines, and brush off concerns as ignorance; while the anti-vaccine crowd dismiss parents' worries about childhood disease and take a superior attitude to parents who have given in and had their kids immunizedI think the truth might fall somewhere between the two extremesSome vaccines are riskier than others, and some childhood diseases are more dangerous than othersAlso, risks might be minimized if we gave fewer vaccines at one time and restricted additivesSome parents I know are compromising by researching in advance and then choosing to start the shots later than recommended, insisting on only one vaccine at a time, and refusing selected onesThe chicken pox vaccine is usually the first to goGood books on the subject, which cover many perspectives and many options: The Vaccine Guide by Randall Neustaedter The Vaccine Book by DrRobert Sears