we bought this system from a private party, of which we now cannot get a hold of for the code. unable to use any of the internet functions and so on. any suggestions?
In that case you'll also want the forged crank and rods, and low compression pistons that the Lightnings came with. You'll want/need a custom dyno tune to make sure the engine doesn't grenade when you install the supercharger. A new ECU won't be be needed, when you have the truck dyno tuned, a proper ECU tune will be installed on your existing ECU.
The important part is not to scare him. If you have a fire place or a backyard fire pit, then you can teach a lot while making it fun. Explain and show how easily thing can catch fire and spread. Show them how to safely build a fire and the importance of keeping it from getting to high. Buy some jiffy pop and smores fixings and have a good time. When you are teaching them about the fire is when you bring in the idea of the smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and safe escape plans. After you build a couple of fires while having them watch, let them build one. Some may say of no it's too dangerous to let a child build a fire, but believe me the sooner they learn the better. I have seen children fearful of fires and paranoid about the dangers because they were taught fires are bad. Some other things you can teach bout fires is the effects of a fire in nature. Gather some pine cones, closed and open and show him that a fire helps to open the cone and let the seeds out to form new growth. The opened cones do not have seeds anymore because the wildlife have eaten them, so in some ways fires help in nature.It also gets rid of old diseased trees and brush leaving space for new life. Have fun and maybe with Christmas near you can pop popcorn over your fire then string some for the tree.