I live in an appartment building and the guy downstairs is complaining of noise but won't say what it sounds like or when it is. I'm assuming its coming from our bed when having sex. We have soft laminate floors and don't want to put a rug down as that would ruin the look of the room.Are there any other ideas/ways to soundproof the bed? My knowledge of physics isn't great... Would putting anything under just the legs of the bed make a difference?
convert to one of those systems where you dont have a boxspring ir whatever its called that alot of people have under the mattress. ours just has a bunch of small boards that go right across that rest on the frame and the mattress sits ontop. also make sure that its all tight, like when you assembled the bed - make sure that all the hardware is nice tight. also if you have wheels - that might be an issue too so do away with the wheels and get some kind of feet so you dont mess up the floor.
Inviteyour neighbour to join you, maybe that's what he wants after all ! or better, tell him to pay your rent. You should talk to this guy, he must have a real life issues. The appartments these days are not soundproof ( built fast and cheep to satisfy the demand) and you can't just stop having sex because MR neighbor complains. It's your right to have sex when you feel like; it's part of your private life and ahuman right as well . Last but not least, for your own compfort , try a floor bed with large drawers underneath where you can store your clothes or blankets, it absorbes the vibrations and is also very stable. Cheers
This Site Might Help You. RE: How can I soundproof my bed? I live in an appartment building and the guy downstairs is complaining of noise but won't say what it sounds like or when it is. I'm assuming its coming from our bed when having sex. We have soft laminate floors and don't want to put a rug down as that would ruin the look of the room. Are...
go to bed bath and beyond, they make these little rubber cups that go on the bottom of the bed posts. you might also try using wd40 on the joints of the bed (cuts the squeaking down)