We all know that taking medication with alcohol, driving, or use of machinery intensifies the effect of medicine, but how come water don't? I also heard that taking medication with an acidic juice will decrease the effect.Water is suppose to be pure but you do have chemicals in it.I'm a little backwards here on this. If you want the medication to work, shouldn't you do what you need to do to get it to take effect for you?I have a low tolerance for medication so I SERIOULSY avoid doing the 3 'don'ts' of taking medication.But there's people out there that find if the medication isn't working with water, then they'll take other means to get it to work.
Ok... alcohol DOES intensify the effects of some medications, but driving and operating machinery does not. They say do not drive or operate machinery because you do not know how you are going to react to the medication. Sometimes the medications make you tired or less alert. LoL, that's funny!