And they do affect Politics to their own advantage .I have this saying that if you hand over your money to some one else then it becomes their money even if you have an agreement that they will give it back (after charging you a fee now days ).And Insurance corporations are just middle men who take your money then decide how and if they want to give it back to you.If you think there is no other legal way to store or stash money - well that is just not true .And what ever happened to paying a Doctor directly and making payments directly to a hospital ? I have a feeling that a large part of the cost of Health care does involve Medical Ins. corporations .
The fastest-growing slice of the medical profession today are physicians who allow direct pay, barter, or are in plans where you pay a low monthly fee to cover your in-office services. Strangely enough, this is how insurance *used* to be in decades past--you paid a low monthly fee and they covered non-catastrophic things. This idea that we have to cover *every* medical circumstance regardless of how improbable it might be is relatively new and is one of the factors that has led to spiraling insurance costs. Bankswell, people have always felt that banks are more secure places to store your money. If you keep a box full of cash at home then it could stolen or lost due to fire or flood. If that box of cash is in a bank then at least there is insurance to guard against its loss. If you don't want to give the bank your money, then store it in a safe deposit box--they can't touch it or use it for themselves.
The big Insurance companies is who backed Obama with money so he could get elected, and he got the Health care bill passed giving them 40 million new customers, with their payments guaranteed by the Government. Most banks and Insurance companies are multinational Corporations, they how come they are so rich.
Lets just say To some people back in the days, religion was their culture, their way of living, and then someone just managed to gather all of this from different clans, cultures and all, and managed to translate them into English and added a few myth here and there and they managed to use that to instill fear and control poeple, well some poeple did it for the Good and some did it for their own financial pruposes For Example. 10 Commndments are from the Egyptian old Book of the Dead of which was something they used to let the community know what they should and shouldnt do so they can live happily and love each other and so forth, it wasnt a religion but principles they used so that they can repsect each other I have not killed was changed to thou shall not kill I have not stole was changed to thou shall not kill Etc And some greek culture was added there as welll So ja Someone compiled all this to make money and control people Which is why you find Pagan reference in the bible oftenly cause thats the true Egyptian Culture NOT RELIGION Halla Back.!!!!!
The insurance industry became so powerful through mandatory insurance laws. People don't realize that laws requiring insurance were completely bogus as uncovered drivers were automatically covered under no fault clause of the Insurance Program. They convinced people that others were being ruined in wrecks with uninsured drivers. This was a lie. With mandatory insurance laws, they now required a government official to over see the industry. Guess who the insurance companies managed to convince your politicians who that person should be? Nope, wrong. They convinced them to allow Insurers to pick the insurance commissioners. By the time that scam was uncovered across the country the damage was done and they had infected your state governments from top to bottom. Banks were allowed to run wild with Bill Cinton's signing of the deregulation of the Banking Industry which by the way allowed Insurance Companies to act as Banks.